"It's nice... to be young."
Starring: Leia and Della
VS 120's, B&H 100's, Marlboro 100's, and Leia smokes a small
tipped cigar. Both girls do alot of smoking here. The lighting
is, for the most part, better than the two previous
videos. Leia is just damn sexy, and that's the truth.
Running time: 28 min
Tapes sold of Point of No Return are second-generation
copies from now on. The digital master is gone forever,
lost by an inept video duplication company in LA, and my inventory
of tapes made from the master is depleted. Perhaps someday the
master will be found, but I doubt it.
It's too bad this had to happen
with what I consider to be a very special video.
I learned my lesson from this, though,
I no longer give anyone my digital
without backing them up first.