Starring: Leia, Allie, and Christina
What a night this was, Leia, Allie, and Christina smoke VS 120's and B&H 100's on this
evening. I don't know what to say about this one, it was my first time shooting with
three girls and it was harder than I thought, didn't get to try all the shots I would have
wanted, but hey it's an hour long video of three gorgeous girls smoking so what do I
have to complain about. Allie (the redhead) kind of leads the conversation in this one,
and her favorite topic is sex so there's some really interesting talk here.
the quiet one. And Leia, well, she's Leia... it's a good thing she waited til the last
scene to have a glass of wine. Other than the fact you might wish they talked
a little less in some spots (because it interferes with their smoking)
this video should be fun to watch. These girls are slightly
nuts I think but that's
cool with me. Running time: 59 min